Poughkeepsie Farm Project
Poughkeepsie, NY
$1,448,902 raised since 2015

The Farm Project’s mission is to cultivate local leadership in sustainable farming, food access, and education, and foster an inclusive, welcoming community for everyone. Since 2015, we’ve won over $1M in local, federal, and state grants to support the farm’s food procurement at area schools, capital, and programmatic needs.

Hudson Valley LGBTQ Center
Kingston, NY
$598,240 raised since 2020

The Center’s mission is to strengthen, support, and celebrate Hudson Valley’s diverse LGBTQ+ community in achieving its fullest potential and creating a more equitable world. In just under two years of working with the Center, we’ve won the organization over $500,000 in capital and programmatic needs.

White Plains and Central Westchester, NY
raised since 2021

The YWCA has pioneered social change through innovative programs that improve the lives of women and families since 1929. In just over a year, Choice Words has won them over $1M in grants from 15 different funders for capital and programmatic needs.

STEM Alliance
White Plains, NY
$1,229,750 raised since 2021

The STEM Alliance’s mission is to provide equal access to critical science, technology, engineering, and math learning resources to empower communities, inspire innovation and create opportunity for all. In just over a year, Choice Words has won the organization $1.2M in grants for programmatic needs.

Walkway Over the Hudson
Poughkeepsie, NY
$11,262,575 raised since 2009
A nonprofit “friends” organization whose mission is to support the Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park. Since its opening in 2009, we’ve been instrumental in the creation of the park, securing over $11M in funding for capital improvements.

Family Services
Poughkeepsie, NY
$3,154,296 raised since 2016

Family Services brings people together to find the support they need, improving their lives and communities, and building a stronger, safer Hudson Valley. We’ve helped secure over $3M in NYS grants for capital improvements for the Family Partnership Center, which houses Family Services and 22 other related nonprofits.

Choice Words Small and Emerging Nonprofit Program

  In 2019, Choice Words launched a grants program for Small and Emerging Nonprofits specifically tailored for budding organizations with operating budgets under $100,000. The program assists small nonprofits with the development of an effective grants program by identifying funding opportunities and developing language and budgets for pursuing fundraising goals.  In just over two years, we have won over $65,000 in grant funding to help small nonprofits blossom into healthy organizations:

Dandelions are Flowers Too (D.A.F.T.)
Newburgh, NY
$12,000 raised since 2021
D.A.F.T.’s mission is to dismantle the school-to-prison pipeline for students of color by getting to the root of behavioral issues through social and emotional development. In just over a year, we’ve helped D.A.F.T. develop language, budgets, and secure over $12,000 in programmatic support.

Kingston Midtown Arts District (MAD)
Kingston, NY
$100,000 raised since 2020
MAD’s mission is to create, unite and enrich a vibrant inclusive community through the arts. In two years, Choice Words has secured over $23,000 for programmatic support that increases access to the arts.

Choice Words Hudson Valley has over ­­­14 years of experience in successful grant writing, communications, and proven success for a wide range of nonprofits. Some of these include: